Mittwoch, 28. August 2019

Gears of War 4 Collectors Edition

Well well well, what do we got here.

If you're capable of reading the title and not this guy

then your guess is as good as mine,
i hope its a puppy.

Well damn, who'd have thought.

So upon opening the package youre greeted with another package wrapped in a package-sleeve.

Heres the front

The back reveals its contents

and the sides greet you with a hella lot of matte nothingness

The top has the text-logo all polished and shiny

and the botton couldnt be bothered to be photographed.

Removing the sleeve unveils the classic GoW logo at the front

and at the back we got the Agents of Shield COG Emblem

opening the unneccesarily flimsy no-hinge-latch were confronted with some instructions to the similar unneccesarily overcomplicated battery mechanism and some bigass warning sign

Behind all that nonsense we see the main disappointment, but we'll get to that later

freeing the styrene box from the... cardboard box we finally enter the hot zone

Inside awaits the main attraction and some other greeblies

alongside others the first thing juming in my face is this

this is why i cant have nice things...
I couldnt figure where its from no matter what

Wait a minute, somethings missing

or so it seems

Theeere we go
Since its getting rather tedious to always adjust a bigass camera imma switch to my smartphone,
go sue me

Soo heres the very pretty keyring, with metal chain and all

and here we got the lightly over-tanned JD Fenix in all its glory.
Most parts are very detailed and pretty, weirdly enough others lack thereof.

But overall its a pretty well made statuette...

...with some incredibly annoying battery compartment, bloody hell.

First you remove the cover

Then you unscrew the battery cover, throw in the batteries, notice you tugged them in wrong, pry them out and place them back the same way because you got the memory of a goldfish..
Ohwell, when you finally placed them in correctly you'll be rewarded with a shiny epilepsy inducing lightshow.

simply amazing

So whats left? ah yes, the supersecret hidden envelope:

oooh whats inside?


OHWELL, lets conclude the review with this

Notice something? No, not the Call of Duty 2 Font.
Yes, the BLOODY GAME is missing.
True its advertised that way but come on. Shipping a Collectors Edition and
requiring buyers to get the game seperately?
It was uncool with Battlefield 1, Hitman and Max Payne 3 and it didnt get any cooler here.

SO if youre a marketing manager at any game studio

fukken hell

otherwise the overall box and contents get a vere neis

if any of you fellow basement dwellers collectors want to get this precious item
go google it get it HERE

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